Raspberry Pi Zero W
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SAVE $5 $19.99 $25.00 / 850289
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
SAVE $10 $24.99 $34.99 / 872945, 738831
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Adafruit HUZZAH32 - ESP32 Feather Board
WiFi SUPPORT $19.95 716555
Raspberry Pi & ASUS Tinker Board Case
SAVE! $2.99 $6.99 / 422717
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Inland Aluminum Raspberry Pi Case
SAVE $9 $5.99 $14.99 / 423046
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USB C $9.99 950097
USB C $9.99 950105
Raspberry Pi 32GB OS Card NOOBS 2019
32GB $15.00 950089
Raspberry Pi Official USB Keyboard
WITH USB HUB $18.99 903005
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BLACK / GREY $9.99 902544
Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide
LEARN CODING $14.99 950386
Raspberry Pi 4 Official Case
HOT! $7.99 950113
Element 14 7” Pi LCD Display
TOUCHSCREEN $59.99 862243
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
GREAT BUY! $24.99 074674
Adafruit Industries Trinket M0
POWERFUL $8.95 716563
Inland Uno R3 MainBoard
SAVE! $7.99 $9.99 / 422212
Element 14 Micro:Bit Go Kit
LED LIGHTS $9.99 each2-5 at $12.99 each 6+ at $14.99 each 328286
Aven Soldering Iron with Fine Tip
HOT! $12.99 563338
Hakko 70W Digital Soldering Station
GREAT BUY! $96.99 893248
Performance Tools Multi-Meter Tester
DIGITAL $9.99 036319